James Spurgin

When you talk about the strong silent type, you are not talking about James. He is a monster and willing to do battle with whatever implement is put in front of him. No matter how heavy, odd or historic. James is an Upper Injury/Single Arm Adaptive Strongman and Highlander. James trains and competes out of Columbus, OH and you can find him blowing people’s minds all around the world. James recently returned to Fefor Power Week and put on a show for the crowds as always. The Upper Injury class is a smaller class but ther is no one anywhere near what James can do, he is a viciously talented athlete and a good dude to boot.(Don’t tell him we printed that.) James will be throwing in beautiful Radford, Virginia on Oct 8th. Chad Clark, the AD, always has some big things to pick up and get a prize as well. Do not miss you chance to see him in person.


James Holborn Jr.


Ann-Marie Willacker